
Welcome to the Combined Probus Club of Belrose Inc


Musings definition – a period of reflections or thought.

Greetings All, Many of our members may not be fully familiar with our Wrap With Love program. 1503 wraps and counting! Our Wrap With Love group was created in 2009 by Lesley Walker. Margaret Hobson took over when Lesley became Probus President in 2014.

The group consists of approximately 25 members. Some members knit, some crochet, some complete their own wraps. About once a month a “sew in” day is held when the group gathers together in a member’s home and helps each other sew the squares into the blankets. For every 100th blanket completed, the members have a little celebration dinner. The group also has a lot of support from other Probus members who prefer to donate wool or money to buy wool.

Wrap With Love works with many agencies including the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. Many blankets are distributed into our local area and all over Australia where there is a need. Some of the completed blankets will be on display at our July Meeting.

Ros Thompson, our immediate past President, is reintroducing the Mentoring program which will assist new inductees to assimilate into our Probus family. And just a reminder to our newer members that our social functions are a great way to meet your fellow Probussians. There are several scheduled social events over the next six months, including our Christmas in July, our annual Anniversary luncheon and the Christmas lunch in December. All the events are well attended and everyone is most welcome to join in. Marg Lovett will be at the booking table to answer any questions you may have.

Who would have thought that an hour’s discussion on the life of a bee could be so fascinating? Our June guest speaker, retired chalkie and amateur bee keeper, Norman Webb, told us that although the bee’s brain is the size of a sesame seed, the little critters are quite clever and well organised.

Mrs Webb who was handling the sale of the honey at the conclusion of the meeting, recommended “honey and crumpets” as her winter choice. PS There was a honey sell out.

President Peter

Thought for the Month: “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do.” Helen Keller

John Duce – 10 April 1931 – 23 June 2024

John was born in Ipswich, Queensland and completed Silkstone Primary School & Ipswich Boys Grammar School. John became an Apprentice Toolmaker at Queensland Government Railway in Ipswich. He continued his studies at Technical College Ipswich and University of Queensland in Brisbane to be awarded a Diploma in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering in 1953. John continued working as a draughtsman with the railways until he was selected by Ford Motor Company to be a Management Trainee in Geelong, Victoria.

From that time John followed a career in management in places such as Geelong, Melbourne, Brisbane, Wauchope and Sydney.

For a time John was part Owner of Restaurant 191 in Oxford Street, Sydney. He went into semi retirement doing some consultancy work at Transcap Pty Ltd. He finally retired completely in 1997.

John married Kay and they enjoyed the birth of Suzanne & Jennifer in Geelong, Victoria; Gregory in Brisbane, Queensland & Bradley in Wauchope, New South Wales. The family learnt to stick together and move wherever John went. All have enjoyed the 53 years in Sydney. John enjoyed his years with Probus starting as a foundation member in July 2007. He enjoyed the variety of speakers, functions and trips over the years, usually accompanied by his wife Kay. He valued the many true friends he made in Probus. (Kay Duce)

John was a foundation member of our Probus club and only resigned earlier this year. He enjoyed all Probus activities and in particular bus trips both day and week long ones. He and Kay regularly supported the Theatre Shows and loved the Anniversary and Christmas Lunches as well as other activities in earlier days. He always enjoyed the Probus meetings and the many speakers.

John was a great family man and a special member of Forest Kirk Uniting Church where he was an Elder for many years. (Warwick Brady)

Stroke Information

Facial weakness, arm weakness and difficulty with speech are the most common signs of stroke, but they are not the only signs. Other signs of stroke may include one, or a combination of:

  • Weakness, numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding
  • Dizziness, loss of balance or an unexplained fall
  • Loss of vision, sudden blurring or decreased vision
  • Headache, usually severe and abrupt onset
  • Unexplained change in the pattern of headaches
  • Difficulty swallowing. 

The signs of stroke may occur alone or in combination and they can last a few seconds or up to 24 hours and then disappear.

View the Stroke Information website

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